003 – An Ash Wednesday Adventure

Every year during Lent, it is tradition to attend mass daily at different churches all across Rome. The Pontifical North American College holds a 7am mass while the Italians have theirs at 7pm. My goal (schedule permitting) will be to visit as many as I can.

The morning started at 4:30am as I chugged a cup of coffee and headed out the door by 5am. The 1hr 43min pilgrimage to Santa Sabina was surprisingly smooth. Usually I would dread that long of a trek, but with the cool air and the peaceful streets Santa Sabina was in sight before I knew it!

Rare to find St. Pete’s this quiet.

The BVM guiding the way!

Are you not entertained?!?!??!??!?!???!??!?!?!?!!!!!?!?!?

Here is Santa Sabina. Some quick facts:

-Built between 422 and 432 on the tomb of Santa Sabina

-The entry door holds the earliest depiction of the crucifixion of our Lord

-St. Dominic brought an orange tree seed with him from Spain, planted it on Santa Sabina’s grounds, thus introducing the orange to Rome

-Upon entry to the church, there is a black bowing ball sized stone at a side altar. The stone was cast at St. Dominic by the devil himself while he was staying at Santa Sabina

There is so so much more to Santa Sabina and the minor basillica’s history. The PNAC has a bit more on it if you wish to dive deeper. https://www.pnac.org/station-churches/week-of-ash-wed/ash-wednesday-santa-sabina/

A couple pictures from the walk back:

Happy Valentines Day. The Italian woman smoking a heater while clipping flowers rocks.

An overlook next to Santa Sabina!


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